Zoom B3 - Share Your Patches - Effects - Basschat

Zoom B3 - Share Your Patches - Effects - Basschat

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New posts. I'm at work zoom hp with the Edit and Save software and can't figure out how to import the patches onto my Macbook. Does the bank function mean that you can access more than 3 sharf within one patch?    


Edit&Share for Mac Update | Zoom.

  That's great! I'm dead happy with the relative simplicity of three effects at a time in the B3 for now. Trending Topics. Clear editor. If so well then i havent?? I have read the instructions etc but still have a few questions if someone could help me with.  

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Shows the effects in the chain and shows the listing of the presets. Should there be sound as in hearing the preset that is shown?. As i saw a video and it seemed that it gives an example of the effects when you load them into the editor.? If so well then i havent?? Also I can change the settings remove effects and save but it seems as though im saving to my pc rather than to the Zoom. When i do go to store it gives me the choice to save from PC to PC and nothing else.

Any help would be appreciated thanks. Messages 8, I'm no expert, but I have used it numerous times. I have the G3X. When the G3X is plugged in via the usb and the software opens up, there should be a menu item above the PC menu on the left side. That is your patches that have been uploaded to the PC from the G3X.

If you click on any other files in the PC section those patches will appear on the G3X unit. You can then audition them. If you want to load a group to your unit, you can drag it up to the User Area and it will be loaded into the unit. You can also drag single patches. Save your group first as it will overwrite it. The device menu should show your unit being online above Refresh. Hope that helps some. If not ask again. I can change the setting on the various effects. Yet when i go to store i only have the option of storing back onto pc.

Is there a way to see the effects chain of Wah Bgn using the unit?? Damm i bet my 10 yo nephew could work this out me being an oldie and all. In those pictures your unit doesn't appear to be connected. Like I mentioned, when it is connected there is another menu right above the PC menu. Are you with me on that? Hence the reason i cant save to the unit only the pc?. There are no special settings i should look for either on the unit or pc??

If I disconnect mine via "eject" I need to hit the "Refresh" under Device and it gets uploaded again. If I unplug the usb and plug in back in, it uploads instantly. As far as I know no special setting needs to be implemented, it should connect automatically. Messages 7, Did you load the USB driver? Hey Chrisjnyc ,after ive installed the edit and share software i then plug the unit in via the usb cord.

Windows then comes up with add new hardware and installs 2 usb audio devices. Ive tried swapping usb ports as of 10 minutes ago and there is no change. KevinX Member. Messages 1. I hope this solve your problem, sorry my english, I'm from Peru. See you. Jarus Member. Messages 7. I recently purchased the G3X and I think it is a wonderful well thought out pedal. However, I downloaded Edit and Share and when I first plugged the pedal to my laptop the only thing that happens is the three LED screens on the unit flash on and off over and over.

What could I be doing wrong here? Do I need to change any setting on the pedal so the Usb will funtion? Please advise, any respone would be greatly appreciated. In addition, if you use memory hungry effects together the B3 may not be able to run them all.

It then bypasses one of them. The graphic of the affected effect reflects the bypass with a cable running horizontally through the screen of that effect. I believe the amp models are the most resource hungry effects. Buggered if I know. Until you get a feel for it perhaps yes. I think you are limited to three at a time.

Yes, if you scroll through them using the up and down "TYPE" buttons at the top of the screen where you want the effect. The unit seems designed with the intent that you have your patches worked out and stored in a sequence that you can scroll through quickly with the footswitches. That way, you can give them names that are relevant to your set.

Changing effects within a patch can't be done with the footswitches though. You'd have to reach down and press the "TYPE" buttons. I think so. If I overwrite the unit autosaves patch changes a patch that I want to restore later it's still on the laptop. Not onboard the unit. Any help greatly appreciated so I can finally get some proper use out of this machine. You're welcome. I hope my limited knowledge helps.

This is also a great topic for other users to chip in with their findings. The B3n will do seven patches in a chain and I read that it has better quality sims. It gets rid of the XLR out though. I'm dead happy with the relative simplicity of three effects at a time in the B3 for now. I have used mine both as 3 stand alone pedals and multiple pedals combined into patches.

It kind of depends on the band. I'm in a fairly loose pub covers band and it's fun to have different effects and use them on the fly however I fancy. Depping in a more formal function band I will load up the entire set, each patch labelled with each song title in set order and just move through a patch at a time. If one song calls for something different under a solo or wotnot I will copy the main patch tweak it for whatever the change is save the tweaked patch adjacent to the original then just go up to it as and when the song calls for it.

That way I don't have to think just keep pressing the button to call up the next patch as and when needed. Labelling patches is important as it ensures I know where I am if, say the box gets stomped accidentally.

When I use it as 3 stand alone pedals I can of course choose another three, six, nine whatever, but six is my maximum for ease. That way if just one song has synth on it I go back out of home into bank, up to A2, out of bank and back to home. I can keep my compressor on throughout the gig but have that synth and flanger ready for that one song. The change sounds fiddly but in reality doing it between songs takes less time than a guitarist uses to check themselves in the mirror.

I made a simpler list of individual effects in order to know roughly where they are among the Here's a copy that might prove useful:. You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account.

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Zoom B3 - Share Your Patches. Share More sharing options Followers 6. Reply to this topic Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Posted March 7, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Raslee Posted March 7, Muri Posted March 11, Posted March 11, That's great!

I'm planning to buy one. In the meantime, would you mind to explain how do you get those files into the machine?



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